Ballet Auditions & Admissions

New Student Registration and Ballet Admissions

Central Pennsylvania Youth Ballet has a commitment to providing the highest standard of classical ballet training, including personalized attention and the ability to address individual needs. 

*At this time, CPYB cannot accept international students for our year-round programs as we do not currently have the ability to issue student visas.

Children’s Division

Class level is determined by age:
Creative Movement: 3-4 years old
Pre-Ballet: 5 years old
Learn more.

Primary Division

All new students ages 6-9 will take a placement class following registration to determine their level. Students ages 10+ will need to first audition. View audition requirements. Learn more.

Pre-Professional Division

All new students will be required to either audition in person or submit a video. Video auditions will be accepted throughout the start of the academic year until the program is full. Scholarships are available.
Learn more.

Ages 6 – 9
Ages 10 and Older

Ballet Scholarships

Central Pennsylvania Youth Ballet offers three ballet scholarship programs to help students make their dreams come true. Both full and partial tuition scholarships are awarded to students on a need and merit basis.

Tuition & Payment Schedule 2024/2025

Tuition may be paid in full (at a 5% discount), in two installments (at a 3% discount) or in five installments. At the time of registration/commitment to the program, a $120 Registration and Security Fee is required**. 

LevelAnnual TuitionPaid in FullTwo
Children's Division
Creative Movement$850$808$413$170
Primary Division
Level 1$1,485$1,411$721$297
Level 2A$2,900$2,755$1,407$580
Level 2B$3,250$3,088$1,577$650
Level 3$4,750$4,513$2,304$950
Level 4$6,000$5,700$2,910$1,200
Training Division & Pre-Professional Division
**The Annual Registration & Security Fee is due one time per student each September – August. This fee is non-refundable.
Processing Date(s)
Year in FullSeptember 13th
Two InstallmentsSeptember 13th
January 10th
Five InstallmentsSeptember 13th
November 15th
January 10th
March 14th
May 9th

Financial Policy

All payments are processed through the credit card in your Family Portal. CPYB accepts bank draft, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover.

It is the responsibility of the parent or guardian listed as the billing contact, to ensure their billing information is accurate in the Family Portal prior to the payment processing date(s) listed above. Any payments returned or declined for any reason will incur a $35 reprocessing fee. Students with delinquent accounts will not be admitted to class, or be eligible to register for additional programs until their account is current.

Withdrawal Policy

Should a parent desire to withdraw a student prior to the end of the Academic Year, the Department of Admissions & Operations must receive written notice stating the student’s name and the date the student will officially withdraw from the program. The Parent or Guardian will be responsible for all tuition payments due until a written notice of withdrawal is received stating the date of withdrawal. Verbal notification of withdrawal will not be accepted. Please see the CPYB Refund Policy for information.

Refund Policy

Tuition paid is non-refundable and non-transferable to another student or program. Students are eligible for a pro-rated tuition refund only if they withdraw from classes due to prolonged illness or severe injury, verified by a doctor’s certificate.

Nondiscrimination Policy

In order to provide equal admission and advancement opportunities to all students, admission decisions at CPYB are based on ability. CPYB does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, genetic trait, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic protected by law.