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What You Learn in Pre-Ballet Classes

Aug 19, 2021 | Ballet

As a parent, you want nothing more than to see your child succeed in something you find they truly enjoy. When you find that they have an interest in dancing, it can bring forth quite an exciting feeling. It’s natural as a parent to help them explore this newfound love. Ballet is often for dancers ages eight and up. However, you can start letting your child train as early as three years old through CPYB’s Creative Movement and Pre-Ballet classes offered in our Children’s Division. These lessons can help you gauge how determined your child is at learning how to dance by giving them the right resources.

If you’re curious as to how CPYB’s Creative Movement and Pre-Ballet Classes can help in preparing your child and what they will learn in class, here’s a quick glimpse.

They’ll Learn the Basics

Enrolling your child in a serious ballet class can make them feel like they are in foreign territory and out of place. Starting early with a ballet class for beginners, will help your child feel at ease as they start to learn the basics of ballet. This includes alignment, as well as how to use the barre. Your child will be introduced to some of the most fundamental ballet positions. It is here that a new dancer can begin to find their passion for ballet at an early age.

Get Them Moving in Classes

If a child hopes to pursue ballet, getting them started early with classes makes good sense. Children’s bodies can adapt and even enjoy the constant movement and structure of regular classes. This physical development will be key to their future as ballet dancers. Plus, the lessons can help boost their health in terms of muscle strength and endurance. 

Prepares Their Creativity 

Creative Movement and Pre-Ballet lessons empower children to experiment and explore what kind of movements they can achieve. They’re encouraged to use their imagination by acting out scenes and fairytales with accompanying music and it produces a great environment to cultivate your child’s creativity.

Allows Them to Learn Discipline

In Creative Movement and Pre-Ballet, students learn structure and etiquette that will allow them to grow and improve in class. Having a foundation of discipline can be great training for other endeavors that your child may encounter as they get older.

Encourages Them to Socialize

As children learn how to dance, they can also learn how to socialize and make new friends. It’s beneficial to form those communication skills early – giving them a head start in learning how to interact well with others.

Enroll Your Child in CPYB’s Creative Movement or Pre-Ballet Class

Creative Movement and Pre-Ballet offer many benefits and will allow your child to establish a foundation to become a dancer. They provide excellent physical exercise and help young students develop mental stamina and strength as well.

Searching for ballet classes for children in Carlisle, PA? Central Pennsylvania Youth Ballet has a Children’s Division that can serve as the perfect starting ground for aspiring ballet dancers. Contact us today!

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