Whether training on your own or in a ballet school or program, male ballet dancers have a more significant role than simply lending their support, but there will be challenges. Here are five tips for male ballet dancers that you may find helpful.
5 Tips for Male Ballet Dancers
1. Stay Fit and Active
Remaining fit and active is essential for the conditioning of any ballet dancer. Because male ballet dancers need to rely on their grace and focus as well as their ability to exert strength, staying fit and active is imperative at all ages as male dancers. In addition to incorporating cardio exercises into your daily routine, stretch for flexibility and consider weight training for well-rounded results.
2. Eat Healthy
Much like your physical fitness, what you put in your body plays an essential role in being your best as a male ballet dancer. Be sure to eat a proper diet with clean foods free of toxins, chemicals, and other processed ingredients. Steer clear of bagged chips and opt for fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds and drink plenty of water. A clean diet can also help to improve focus and overall function.
3. Let Go
Letting go of your inhibitions is necessary for all male ballet dancers, especially if you are new to the art or shy around others. Sure, this is easier said than done! Allowing yourself to be fully immersed in ballet, dance, and movements that speak to you will help you to truly shine. You may initially feel as if female ballet dancers outnumber you, but most likely you’ll be welcomed with open arms.
4. Work with Your Teacher
Connecting with your ballet instructor is highly recommended, especially if you are new to the art of ballet. Teachers want to set you up for success, so they will offer advice and support as you work to become more comfortable in your own skin and with ballet.
5. Apply for Scholarships
One of the advantages of entering a female-dominated field as a male ballet dancer is potential access to male-centric scholarships. Because fewer men are involved in ballet, the opportunities to apply for male ballet scholarships can benefit you. Training at local studios and seeking out companies that are interested in recruiting additional male ballet dancers can also improve your chances of receiving scholarships/acceptance letters for programs and opportunities.
Are you searching for male ballet scholarships that will help you further develop your skills and expand your horizons? At CPYB, our Two-Year Male Ballet Scholarship is available to male dancers ages 14-19 and includes all academic tuition and registration fees for the 5-week summer ballet program. Additionally, all qualified applicants receive a monthly housing stipend, a two-week summer educational course, and access to a personalized conditioning program.